Presbyterian Women's Bible Study
The Presbyterian Women's group meets either in person or via Zoom. If you have not signed up for the PW study, leave a message or email with the church office. We'll provide you with current details and a Zoom link for the study.
The Handbell performers are back in action and rehersals have resumed. Please reach out to us for more details!
Church Camp
The third weekend in September is when members old and young travel to the NaCoMe Camp and Conference Center outside of Centerville, TN. For a weekend, we enjoy God’s beautiful creation as found at NaCoMe, good food provided by the NaCoMe staff, fun activities such as zip lines, swimming, creek walking, and crafts; and there is a bit of Bible study and worship worked into it all.
Lenten Activities
Please check our Trinity Facebook page to listen and see folks presenting the daily scripture reading on the Trinity Facebook Page every day during Lent. I am posting those scriptures every morning and they can be viewed/heard throughout the day. If you would like to read a scripture, please let me know! Also on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. during Lent through March 30, I will offer a Lenten study which will be via Facebook Live. You can watch it whenever it is convenient for you. I will be using J. Ellsworth Kalas' book, "Easter from the Back Side" which is available on, if you want your own copy. Please send me questions or comments during the broadcast, if you are a Facebook member, or text/email your questions or comments if you are not.
Trinity Book Club
If interested in joining the book club where we rotate books each month to read and discuss, please reach out to us. If you would like to be on the email list for the book club, please let Carla McDonough ( or Katy Wilson ( know.